Below are some questions our advisors are often asked. If you have a question we've not answered, simply give us a call at 281-681-8585 and we'll be happy to try and help find an answer to your question.
(Click on a question or the [+] to open up a window with our response.)
+ How do I choose among the many planners and advisors in my area?
Search first for an advisor that has your welfare as his primary concern, an advisor that is independent in his ability to select products and investment vehicles and not restrained by his affiliations to a certain set of proprietary products and investments. Set up a contact with the advisor to directly assess compatibility, and evaluate the advisor's ability to understand your unique situation and needs. Determine the costs, and access to the advisor, the advisor's firm, and most importantly, your money.
+ Why does choosing the right financial advisor make a difference?
The financial services area continues to become more complex as time passes. Markets have become increasingly volatile and challenging. With an Outlook financial advisor, you get a full time professional dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals. Our entire work day is focused on our clients' needs and the financial markets. In the end, it is all about knowing that your interests are being ably and knowledgeably represented, and freeing your time for other pursuits.
+ Who Can benefit most from your services?
Any individual or family looking to reduce their “financial anxiety” may benefit from our services. We work with people from all income levels. Our clients have the flexibility to work with us on a one time as needed basis, or on an ongoing basis. Our advisors welcome clients who are simply looking for a one-time consultation or a second opinion on their current situation, as well as those looking for comprehensive planning and ongoing asset management service.
+ How much do you charge for an initial consultation?
There is no charge for an initial consultation, a practice that our advisors began when they were teaching financial planning and wealth management at local colleges and at Fortune 500 companies. They are happy to meet and evaluate your current situation and offer a second opinion, to help you determine if they are right for you, and for our advisors to evaluate if they can help you achieve your goals.
+ I am interested in developing a financial plan. What is the financial planning process?
Financial planning is a multistep process that provides you with two important things: first, an in-depth review of your current financial situation, and second, a roadmap that shows you how to help achieve your financial goals and objectives for the future. Outlook Financial Group’s planning process consists of five distinct steps. It’s important to remember that financial planning is a process, not an event.
+ After I've contacted you, what will be the process to determine if we can work together?
Our advisors will set up an initial meeting to get to know you, your goals, your situation and your concerns. They will provide you with information about their our experience, background and credentials. They will explain the long term process, and their capabilities, as well as their philosophy on providing you guidance for your planning, investing and wealth management.
+ How do we create my personal roadmap or plan?
First, our advisors focus on your goals, objectives, values and priorities such as pursuing a comfortable retirement, reducing current and future income taxes, funding the education of your children or grandchildren, or even creating a certain amount of wealth that allows you to leave a legacy to your family or a charity. You might already be on your way to accomplishing these goals and just need some professional insight or fine tuning, or you might just be starting out or somewhere in between. Our advisors help you review cash flow, investments, taxes, pension and retirement plans, estate planning, insurance issues, and other general planning opportunities. They work with you to design a custom plan, and they assist you in implementing the plan and monitoring the results.
+ I have already accumulated significant wealth and I think I'm doing quite well, but the process is becoming more complex and time consuming. I want to stay on track. Can you help?
Yes, individuals and families that need more sophisticated planning and advice may find our services particularly attractive and beneficial. Our advisors offer a number of ways to help you manage your financial affairs. Call us for a free consultation to discuss how we can help you.
+ I have multiple investments and a 401(k) at work. How can I make sure they all work together?
As a routine part of our ongoing service to our clients, our advisors will help you keep track of all of your investments, even if they are not with us. They will help you evaluate your overall allocation to help you achieve your goals.
+ Who will have custody of my money, and will I be able to see my investments online?
The advisors at Outlook Financial Group work with Pershing, LLC, a nationally recognized custodian. Outlook will never have direct custody of your account. All accounts have online access through the custodian, so you will be able to see your investments on a daily basis.